Successful Treatment of Contaminated Well Water Provides Thousands with Drinking Water
The Green Village (Ha’Kfar Hayarok) drinking water treatment plant is designed to remove contaminants from the village’s well. ToxSorb’s robust platform facilitates the selective removal of perchlorate, EDB and nitrate, purifying the well water up to non-detect level. It’s innovative MAC (Modified Active Carbon) technology incorporates an intelligent modified activated carbon substrate that selectively removes both inorganic and organic pollutants and adsorbs the contaminated substance. After filtration, the water undergoes RO membrane treatment, followed by chlorination.
Sustainable water and wastewater treatment isn’t just nice to have; it’s essential to ensure the ongoing supply of water as water sources dwindle and global warming takes its toll. That’s the focus of the WFI Group, which delivers clear water value through its innovative drinking water treatment solutions.
The company’s mission is to reuse as much water and wastewater as possible, with minimum impact on the environment at the highest quality, as seen by the successful Green Village project in Israel, carried out by ToxSorb, a WFI business unit.
ToxSorb’s MAC technology outperforms traditional technologies and meets the most stringent standards. Its cost-effective and sustainable method enables the highly selective removal of pollutants and reduces the need to replace filters, while maintaining the media’s original adsorption capability for organic pollutants. Durable MAC handles high-capacity levels of pollution, enabling media regeneration and elimination of the brine for evacuation.
It’s the only technology in Israel approved by the Ministry of Health (MoH) as capable of removing perchlorate at a concentration higher than 150ppb. TOXSORB also holds NSF 61 approval and Israeli 5452 standard for Products in Contact with Drinking Water, enabling safer and cleaner water for the well-being of people and communities.
Because the cost of treating the water using MAC technology is much lower than the cost of an alternative drinking supply, significant savings are achieved. Today, ToxSorb’s water treatment plant provides the highest quality potable water for 3,000 inhabitants in the Green Village from a single local source.